Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Our Family's 9th Birthday

Today is Jeff & my anniversary that we have coined our Family's Birthday. We wanted the kids to have a fun way to celebrate with us and came up with this idea last year. We will do pumpkin pie tonight with 9 trick candles :)

What an awesome ride these last nine years have been! I can't imagine who I would be right now if not for the incredible love of this man. Jeff's love and commitment to Jesus makes me respect him and makes me want to honor him. I watch God work and move in his heart and life and it makes me want to follow him. He is the best father! My neighbor said to me the other day in amazement, "He never gets sick of playing with his boys!" He is always playing baseball, inventing a new game, planning surprises or just rolling around with our MNMs. They know his love is real and faithful. Hmm, makes me think of someone else....
So, I thank you Jesus that on this day 9 years ago, I became jeffzwife! What an incredible joy it is to say that I belong to him.

New School Room

We do have more stuff on the walls now, but this is SUCH a HUGE improvement!

The chalkboard is the best!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

2 Year Old Tricycle

Matt is our little crazy man. Over the last week I had him to the doctor's 3 times. He nearly broke his thumb, broke the growth plate in the smaller leg bone just below the knee and caught the "family virus" we had this past week. I can't keep up with him. He has an adventurous spirit and I can only imagine what this boy will be able to do for the Lord if he decides to live for Him. I was reading in 2 Samuel this week and just read about Absalom. Can you imagine what he could have done if he had lived for the Lord? He was able to turn much of Israel & Judah against David, the King after God's own heart. Instead, he lived apart from God and had some worldly fame with NO-thing lasting to show for it. What more could I be if I gave more of myself over to our Creator?!?!? I pray my MNM boys will live sold out lives for the glory of Jesus Christ! Maybe Matt will walk a tight rope and evangelize the world! It wouldn't surprise me!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It Is Coming!! Seriously!!

Me n my MNMs on my "not so Spring" birthday!

BUDS ON THE TREES!!!!!!!!!!! New life is on it's way! Every day we are seeing more birds and plants resurrected! We even have a couple ducks swimming on the pool cover of our neighbor's pool. Neighbors are starting to walk their dogs and the sound of kids voices after they get home from school fills the air! SPRING!

Yes folks, it can happen.... 60 in Rochester, NY before July! Of course this wasn't yesterday when we woke to see a covering of snow on the ground! This is that happy back and forth time of year. The YEAH! AWW! time of year as the Kanes would say. Those kind of days when you wear your winter coat out the door in the morning then carry it home in the afternoon!

Hang in there folks, we shall arrive!

Friday, February 27, 2009

MNM Classic

The Melt Factor

Today we woke up to a melting zone. The long awaited moment of Home Plate reappearing in the backyard finally happened today!

As you can see, we wore out the grass around home plate in the Summer & Fall. And yes, we did have a couple Winter baseball games which were only as few innings long. I love the fact that we just found one of the missing balls right next to home plate!

We also discovered that a bunny has been living under our shed (top right) this winter. I wish I had gotten the tracks in the snow on camera to prove it, but you'll just have to trust me on this one. It is just amazing to watch the world transform before our eyes and to see how true the bible is when it says in Romans 1:20 "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse" Don't we all run and find a warm spot to hide in when the cold winds of life blow just like the bunny under our shed?! When I see the wonder of creation, and as I sit each morning and look out at this awesome world that God has made for us to enjoy I agree with David in Psalms 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork." What an awesome God! Thank you Jesus, for revealing Yourself to us through your creation so that all are without excuse!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

In case you are not aware, all my boys have Bronx blood flowing through the veins and though their father tries with all that is in him to brainwash them into being Red Sox fans, it is in the blood, nothing can be done. The only reason Matt is wearing the Sox hat in the picture is to show the interesting dynamic in our family. After all, what true Yankee fan would marry a Red Sox fan? When Micah came of age, he asked me just that. For once, I was speechless.

Ok so it is official, Spring Training is underway and Micah is the man when it comes to keeping up with the YANKEES and though this does not have much to do with Science, the fact of the matter is the sound of SPRING training does make it apply! The snow is melting and soon our baseball field in the backyard will appear again!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

As we are learning about Creation, come and join us as we observe how "ordinary" things in our yard change. They go from death to life just as we can when we become new creatures in Christ.

Creation sure does tell the story of the gospel of Jesus Christ! As we study Science, we validate our faith and we stand in awe of how wonderfully specific our God is!

Micah and Nate each chose three areas or things that they will be observing over the next several months. Here is what they look like now...

Micah's first choice to observe is our crabapple tree in our backyard. This is a favorite in the Spring. Grandma & Gramp planted it and love to watch it as well!

This one will be so awesome to watch! This is our vegetable garden! doesn't look like much now!! Wait 'til August!

Micah's last choice is the grass in our front yard.

This is the biggest tree in our yard and Nate wants to keep track of the changes with it!

This will be fun to watch our corner garden come to life!

Nate also chose to watch the holly plant in our front garden.
And this is Matt. He's comin along for the ride!

Micah Nate and Matt Allen's Blog

We are homeschooled brothers who are watching how God's creation comes back to life through Spring, grows and produces fruit in Summer. Micah and Nate chose 3 things in our yard that we will be watching as they change over the next several months.