Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Our Family's 9th Birthday

Today is Jeff & my anniversary that we have coined our Family's Birthday. We wanted the kids to have a fun way to celebrate with us and came up with this idea last year. We will do pumpkin pie tonight with 9 trick candles :)

What an awesome ride these last nine years have been! I can't imagine who I would be right now if not for the incredible love of this man. Jeff's love and commitment to Jesus makes me respect him and makes me want to honor him. I watch God work and move in his heart and life and it makes me want to follow him. He is the best father! My neighbor said to me the other day in amazement, "He never gets sick of playing with his boys!" He is always playing baseball, inventing a new game, planning surprises or just rolling around with our MNMs. They know his love is real and faithful. Hmm, makes me think of someone else....
So, I thank you Jesus that on this day 9 years ago, I became jeffzwife! What an incredible joy it is to say that I belong to him.


  1. Wow it is hard to believe it has been 9 years already. What a blessing you both have been in my life- I think of all the prayer, and encouragement, and love you two have shown us.
    Love the school room and the students of course :):)

  2. Wow...maybe I shouldn't be crying right now!
