Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It Is Coming!! Seriously!!

Me n my MNMs on my "not so Spring" birthday!

BUDS ON THE TREES!!!!!!!!!!! New life is on it's way! Every day we are seeing more birds and plants resurrected! We even have a couple ducks swimming on the pool cover of our neighbor's pool. Neighbors are starting to walk their dogs and the sound of kids voices after they get home from school fills the air! SPRING!

Yes folks, it can happen.... 60 in Rochester, NY before July! Of course this wasn't yesterday when we woke to see a covering of snow on the ground! This is that happy back and forth time of year. The YEAH! AWW! time of year as the Kanes would say. Those kind of days when you wear your winter coat out the door in the morning then carry it home in the afternoon!

Hang in there folks, we shall arrive!

1 comment:

  1. I am without a doubt, the WORST friend EVER because I don't know ANYONE'S birthday! Sorry I forgot yours. Happy birthday, and I am happy that you are seeing buds on the trees, etc. Yay!!
