Saturday, April 18, 2009

2 Year Old Tricycle

Matt is our little crazy man. Over the last week I had him to the doctor's 3 times. He nearly broke his thumb, broke the growth plate in the smaller leg bone just below the knee and caught the "family virus" we had this past week. I can't keep up with him. He has an adventurous spirit and I can only imagine what this boy will be able to do for the Lord if he decides to live for Him. I was reading in 2 Samuel this week and just read about Absalom. Can you imagine what he could have done if he had lived for the Lord? He was able to turn much of Israel & Judah against David, the King after God's own heart. Instead, he lived apart from God and had some worldly fame with NO-thing lasting to show for it. What more could I be if I gave more of myself over to our Creator?!?!? I pray my MNM boys will live sold out lives for the glory of Jesus Christ! Maybe Matt will walk a tight rope and evangelize the world! It wouldn't surprise me!


  1. So true! Make sure he uses those lips (and cute cheeks!) for good and not for evil!

    Like, not for trying to win over any Tsoukalas girls or anything like that... :0)

  2. It's always encouraging to find another homeschool mom with a rambunctious child. Well, I just figure God made them this way for a reason. I can't wait to see how He will use the gift of energy in mine. :D
